Trigger is a mechanism that automates the execution of a flow.

Triggers can be scheduled, event-based or webhook-based.

Trigger types

Kestra supports both scheduled and external events.

Kestra core provides three types of triggers:

  • Schedule trigger allows you to execute your flow on a regular cadence e.g. using a CRON expression and custom scheduling conditions
  • Flow trigger allows you to execute your flow when another flow finishes its execution (based on a configurable list of states)
  • Webhook trigger allows you to execute your flow based on an HTTP request emitted by a webhook.

Many other triggers are available from the plugins, such as triggers based on file detection events, e.g. the S3 trigger, or a new message arrival in a message queue, such as the SQS or Kafka trigger.

Trigger Common Properties

Following trigger properties can be set.

idThe flow identifier, must be unique inside a flow.
typeThe Java FQDN of the trigger.
descriptionThe description of the trigger.
disabledSet it to true to disable execution of the trigger.
workerGroup.keyTo execute this trigger on a specific Worker Group (EE)

Trigger Variables

Triggers allow you to access trigger metadata through expressions e.g. {{ }} to access the current date of the Schedule trigger, {{ trigger.uri }} to access the file or message from any file detection or message arrival event, as well as {{ trigger.rows }} for all Query triggers e.g. the PostgreSQL Query trigger.

Triggers restrict parallel execution for a given trigger ID to one active run. For instance, if an Execution from a flow with a Schedule trigger with ID hourly is still in a Running state, another one will not be started. However, you can still trigger the same flow manually (from the UI or API), and the scheduled Executions will not be affected.

id: hourlyFlow
namespace: example
  - id: important-task
    type: io.kestra.core.tasks.log.Log
    message: If this runs for longer than 1h, next Executions will be queued rather than being started immediately
  - id: hourly
    type: io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Schedule
    cron: "@hourly"


Conditions are specific criteria or events that determine when a specific triggers should create a new execution. Usually, they limit the scope of a trigger to a specific set of cases.

For example, you can restrict a Flow trigger to a specific namespace prefix or execution status, and you can restrict a Schedule trigger to a specific time of the week or month.

You can pass a list of conditions; in this case, all the conditions must match to enable the current action.

Available conditions include:

Schedule Trigger

The Schedule trigger generates new executions on a regular cadence based on a Cron expression or custom scheduling conditions.

type: "io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Schedule"

Kestra is able to trigger flows based on a Schedule (aka the time). If you need to wait for another system to be ready and cannot use any event mechanism, you can schedule one or more time the current flow.

Kestra will optionally handle schedule backfills if any executions are missed.

Check the Schedule task documentation for the list of the task properties and outputs.


Schedule Conditions

When the cron is not sufficient to determine the date you want to schedule your flow, you can use conditions to add additional conditions, (for example, only the first day of the month, only the weekend, ...).

You must use the {{ }} expression on the property date of the current schedule.

This condition will be evaluated and {{ trigger.previous }} and {{ }} will reflect the date with the conditions applied.

The list of core conditions that can be used are:

Recover Missed Schedules

If a schedule is missed, Kestra will automatically recover it by default. This means that if the Kestra server is down, the missed schedules will be executed as soon as the server is back up. However, this behavior is not always desirable, e.g. during a planned maintenance window. In Kestra 0.15 and higher, this behavior can be disabled by setting the recoverMissedSchedules configuration to NONE.

Kestra 0.15 introduced a new configuration allowing you to choose whether you want to recover missed schedules or not:

      - type: io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Schedule
          # available options: LAST | NONE | ALL -- default: ALL
          recoverMissedSchedules: NONE

The recoverMissedSchedules configuration can be set to ALL, NONE or LAST:

  • ALL: Kestra will recover all missed schedules. This is the default value.
  • NONE: Kestra will not recover any missed schedules.
  • LAST: Kestra will recover only the last missed schedule for each flow.

Note that this is a global configuration that will apply to all flows, unless other behavior is explicitly defined within the flow definition:

  - id: schedule
    type: io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Schedule
    cron: "*/15 * * * *"
    recoverMissedSchedules: NONE

In this example, the recoverMissedSchedules is set to NONE, which means that Kestra will not recover any missed schedules for this specific flow regardless of the global configuration.

Flow Trigger

Flow triggers allows you to trigger a flow after another flow execution, enabling event-driven patterns.

type: "io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Flow"

Kestra is able to trigger one flow after another one. This allows the chaining of flows without the need to update the base flows. With this capacity, you can break responsibility between different flows to different teams.

Check the Flow trigger documentation for the list of all properties.


Webhook Trigger

Webhook triggers generates a unique URL that you can use to automatically create new executions based on events in another application such as GitHub or Amazon EventBridge.

In order to use that URL, you have to add a secret key that will secure your webhook URL.

type: "io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Webhook"

A Webhook trigger allows triggering a flow from a webhook URL. At trigger creation a key must be set that will be used on the URL that triggers the flow: /api/v1/executions/webhook/{namespace}/{flowId}/{key}. We advise to use a non-easy to find or remember key like a generated sequence of characters. Kestra accepts GET, POST and PUT requests on this URL The whole request body and headers will be available as variables.


Check the Webhook task documentation for the list of the task properties and outputs.

Polling Triggers

Polling triggers are a type of triggers that are provided by our plugins. They allow polling an external system for the presence of data. In case data is ready to be processed, a flow execution is started.

Kestra provides polling triggers for a wide variety of external systems: databases, message brokers, ftp, ...

Polling triggers will poll the external system at a fixed interval defined by the interval property, the triggered flow will have the outputs of the polling trigger available on the trigger variable.


Polling triggers can be evaluated on a specific Worker Group (EE), thanks to the workerGroup.key property.

Unlocking, enabling and disabling triggers

Disabling a trigger in the source code

If you want to temporarily disable a trigger, you could do so by setting the disabled property to true, as you can see in the example below:

id: hello_world
namespace: example

  - id: sleep
    runner: PROCESS
      - sleep 30

  - id: schedule
    type: io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Schedule
    cron: "*/1 * * * *"
    disabled: true

However, this approach requires changing the source code. A better approach is to use the Enabled toggle from the UI.

Disabling a trigger from the UI

You can disable or re-enable a trigger from the UI. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Go to the Flows page and click on the flow you want to disable the trigger for.
  2. Go to the Triggers tab and click on the Enabled toggle next to the trigger you want to disable. You can re-enable it by clicking the toggle again.


If your trigger is locked due to an execution in progress, you can unlock it by clicking the Unlock trigger button.


The Unlock trigger functionality is useful for troubleshooting, e.g. if a process is stuck due to infrastructure issues. Note that manually unlocking triggers may result in multiple concurrent (potentially duplicated) executions — use it with caution.

Toggle or unlock triggers from the Administation page

You can also disable, re-enable, or unlock triggers from the Administration page. Here is how you can do it:


The stopAfter property

Kestra 0.15 introduced a generic stopAfter property which is a list of states that will disable the trigger after the flow execution has reached one of the states in the list.

This property is meant to be used primarily for a Schedule trigger and triggers that poll for conditions including the HTTP, JDBC, or File Detection triggers. However, you can use it with all triggers.

Pause the schedule trigger after a failed execution

The stopAfter property can be used to pause a schedule trigger after a failed execution. Here is an example of how to use it:

id: business_critical_flow
namespace: production

 - id: important_task
   type: io.kestra.core.tasks.log.Log
   message: if this fails, we want to stop the flow from running until we fix it

 - id: stopAfter
   type: io.kestra.core.models.triggers.types.Schedule
   cron: "0 9 * * *"
     - FAILED

The above flow will be triggered every day at 9:00 AM, but if it fails, the schedule will be paused so that you can manually reenable the trigger once the issue is fixed. This is useful for business-critical flows that should not continue running the next scheduled executions if a previous execution has failed.

Disable the HTTP trigger after the first successful execution

The example below shows how to use the stopAfter property with the HTTP trigger condition. The use case is to poll an API endpoint and send a Slack alert if the price is below $110. If the condition is met, the trigger will be disabled so that you don't get alerted every 30 seconds about the same condition.

id: http
namespace: example

  - id: slack
    type: io.kestra.plugin.notifications.slack.SlackIncomingWebhook
    url: "{{ secret('SLACK_WEBHOOK') }}"
    payload: |
        "channel": "#price-alerts",
        "text": "The price is now: {{ json(trigger.body).price }}"

  - id: http
    type: io.kestra.plugin.fs.http.Trigger
    responseCondition: "{{ json(response.body).price <= 110 }}"
    interval: PT30S
      - SUCCESS

Let's break down the above example:

  1. The HTTP trigger will poll the API endpoint every 30 seconds to check if the price of a product is below $110.
  2. If the condition is met, the Execution will be created
  3. Within that execution, the slack task will send a Slack message to the #price-alerts channel to notify about the price change
  4. After that execution finishes successfully, the stopAfter property condition is met — it will disable the trigger ensuring that you don't get alerted every 30 seconds about the same condition.

Locked triggers

Flow, Schedule and Polling triggers have locks to avoid concurrent trigger evaluation and concurrent execution of a flow for a trigger.

To see a list of triggers and inspect their current status, go to the Administration -> Triggers section in the Kestra UI. From here, you can unlock a trigger if it is locked. Keep in mind that there is a risk or concurrent trigger evaluation or flow execution for this trigger if you unlock it manually.

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